We are officially under construction on our new home!

We are thankful for your financial partnership.

Will you partner with us to see this project become a reality?




If we live out our values of Open Bible, Open Life, and Open Faith, how will that impact the world around us?

The Salt + Light Project is about how we live as representatives of God’s Kingdom in the places we live, work and play.

It’s about how we impact the community around us.

God has called us into our communities to be agents of hope, healing, and truth.

Our presence is a tangible expression of God’s Kingdom.

Being Salt + Light combats the brokenness, decay, and lies of the world.

Take a look at the slides above 0r to the left of this text to get an overview of what this project is all about.

Scroll down to engage with us about ideas for the future development of our property.

Pray with us for God to guide every step of this process.

So that all may TASTE + SEE the glory of King Jesus!

Pray With Us

For the community. God desires to see people transformed by the power of the Gospel at work in their lives. We do too. Pray for our neighbors to taste + see the glory of King Jesus. (Eph 2:1-10)

For the broken. The good news is that God is in the business of healing & restoration. Pray with us that God would help each of us see where He is calling us to be salt. (Matt. 4:23)

For truth. Finding our identity, hope and purpose in God’s truth is good news. Pray for the ways our church family walks & talks in the ways of truth, filled with love, grace & kindness. (John 8:31-32)

For unity. This project is about way more than a building! Pray for the unity of our church as we partner generously to live on mission. (John 17)

For clarity. There’s a lot of moving pieces with the building plans. Pray for wisdom and clarity each step of the way. (Prov. 16:9)

Our Vision + Priorities

The church is not a building. The church is God’s people living on mission. However, a building can be an effective & helpful tool on that mission.

We envision a place that brings people in from all over our community. A place that’s open and inviting. A place where salt and light pours out from every corner… because you are there.


A Salt + Light dream from Angie Krissell:

As we dream about a building, one thing I am excited about is the opportunity to offer support to men, women and children in our community who are struggling with the life changing impact of divorce. Outreach ministries like Divorce Care provide a safe place for men and women to find hope, encouragement and compassion from leaders who have already walked this road with a guided curriculum and support group. Vulnerable life situations have a way of opening doors in people’s lives that might have been previously closed because when you are hurting and brokenhearted, you very often find yourself searching for answers and meaning. I can think of no greater joy than to take what was the worst season of my life and let God use it for good to walk with others and offer them hope not only for their present heartaches, but eternity. Perhaps the question each of us at NW needs to consider as we prepare to build a permanent home is: What hardship has impacted my life and drawn me to Jesus in such a way that the natural response is to turn and serve someone walking that same path? I find great comfort in knowing that God was with me, always working and fully aware of my every hurt and He delivered me. I want to offer this same hope to others who might not be able to see that far down the road!

What has impacted my life and drawn me to Jesus in such a way that the natural response is to turn and serve someone walking that same path?

Questions, Answers & More

How sure are we that the budget is accurate at this point? How do we ensure $4 million does not turn into $5, 6 or 7...?
When we look at the proposed project of $4 million, given today’s economic climate of inflation and supply chain issues it is a hard mountain to climb to achieve budget accuracy.
Supply chain issues in construction by themselves are enough to cause delays and budget overruns. Each day there are new material shortages, new natural disasters that cause disruptions, new wars which shift manufacturers’ focus, and new economic drivers that impact supply/demand charts.
We have to plan with the best information available to us today. We must pray for God to give us wisdom in our planning. We also must be diligent to not try and be our own god when it comes to planning and budgeting.
We cannot out plan God, we cannot out budget God. At some point we all must do our best with what we are given, information and resources, and make a plan. We then must turn that plan over to God and trust in His sovereignty, while being diligent to be nimble and creative as that plan unfolds.
The key takeaway is we build a budget with today’s information, add in buffers based off assumptions of inflation and typical overrides from our industry experts and we pray hard for God to bless the plan and ask for His will to be done.
Let's talk about non-cash donations + taxes!

Did you know there are potential tax advantages to donating non-cash assets to Northwest?

It’s simple enough to simply sell an appreciated investment and donate cash proceeds to Northwest. However, you’ll likely be liable for capital gains taxes on the appreciation. (This is not tax or legal advice, please consult with your financial or tax professional)

Instead of selling an appreciated asset yourself, you can choose to donate it to Northwest. You’ll be able to claim the full market value of the asset on your taxes and Northwest will sell the asset for full market value. Neither you, nor Northwest, will pay capital gains tax.

If you have any giving related questions at all, please don’t hesitate to reach out!

What's our growth strategy?

We are building a building that allows for growth, both in the initial phases, as well as in leaving opportunity for future expansions/additions.

Our projected size would allow for simultaneously up to 300 people to be seated in the sanctuary with another 100 people in kids spaces.

The immediate plan for growth would be to move to a 2 service format to double our capacity.

Additionally, our team is committed to prayerfully considering when and where and with whom God might call us to plant churches in the future.

How will we use these spaces on Sundays? Other times during the week?

For Sunday Mornings, we have two primary needs:
– Large Group area for our worship gatherings
– Rooms for NW Kids classes

In our current design, we are planning for space for 300 people in our sanctuary space and around 100 people in NW Kids spaces.

Outside of Sunday mornings, these spaces will all be designed to be flexible and multi-purpose. Student Ministry will likely take over all of these spaces at different times of the week. Classrooms will be available for Bible Studies or other types of meet-ups.

During the week we anticipate keeping the building open for impromptu gatherings as well as reservable for events and meetings. We imagine people might stop in to use spaces for co-working, book clubs, a rest stop along the trail, an afterschool meet-up with friends, or any number things.

Help me understand the pond, parking and roadway?!

The requirements for developing our property are regulated by the State of NC and the Town of Cary (yes, Cary, not Apex even though we have an Apex address).

Those requirements include connections to our nearby roads, driveways that provide adequate traffic access, etc.

We are also required to have the pond for stormwater run-off. The size of the pond is determined by the amount of “impervious surfaces” (roads, parking lots, buildings) on our property.