White Oak Food Bank
We partner with the White Oak Foundation and serve at their Saturday Food Bank distribution.
Are you looking for help with food? White Oak distributes food most weeks on Wednesday & Friday from 12pm-1pm and one Saturday per month from 11am-1pm. Visit their website for details on upcoming distribution days.
Interested in serving with us?
Helping Hands Ministry
Jesus told us of the importance of loving our neighbor (Mark 12:31) and He lived a life of loving and serving those around him (John 13: 14-15, Mark 10:45). Helping Hands Ministry provides an opportunity for Northwest Community Church to demonstrate our love for our church family, friends, and neighbors by coming along side them and helping with small household / handyman tasks that they wouldn’t otherwise have the means to complete themselves. Whether it is light bulbs or air filters that need changing, light plumbing or electric work, basic carpentry and repair, yard clean-up, minor auto maintenance (e.g. oil / filter change), or other, please complete this form and we will be glad to see if we can offer assistance.
ESL – English Conversation Classes
We help provide ESL classes in partnership with other local churches.
These classes are currently hosted at Parkside Baptist Church in Durham. We expect new classes to be hosted at Trailside in 2026 after completion of our building.
Local Outreach Partners
Trailside partners with various likeminded local partners in our community.
Jesus taught that His disciples will be salt and light in the world (Matthew 5:13-16). We think about being salt as looking for places where our world is hurting, decaying or broken – and being agents of healing and restoration. We think about being light as seeing places of confusion and bringing grace and truth.
Sometimes we form long term partnerships, other times we see needs we can meet on a short term basis. Sometimes we establish formal relationships with churches and organizations, while other times we might simply show up to meet a need as a sponsor, a group of volunteers, or as a neighbor.
Below you’ll see a few of the places that we are involved locally. This list is by no means exhaustive, but we hope it gives you glimpse of the ways we seek to love our neighbors with the love of Jesus!
- Dorcas Ministries
- World Relief Durham
- Habitat for Humanity Wake County
- Panther Creek High School
- White Oak Elementary School
- White Oak Foundation
- Hand of Hope Crisis Pregnancy Centers
- Christian Adoption Services
- Young Life Western Wake County
- Carolina Preserve (Active Living Community)
- Tobacco Road Marathon
- Samaritan’s Purse
- NC Baptist’s On Mission
Global Outreach Partners
We have long standing relationships in 3 global locations.
These partners are committed to the same disciple-making, gospel proclaiming work we are – and it’s a privilege to partner with these individuals, families and organizations.
Here’s a little about our Global Staff Partners:
The Hutcherson Family – Serving in Beirut, Lebanon
Focus on theological education through Arab Baptist Theological Seminary and the Safe Haven Society community center doing incredible with kids & refugee families.
Grace Community Fellowship Churches – A network of churches in West Pokot County, Kenya
These Kenyan led churches are multiplying throughout the region and seeing lives changed by the Gospel. It’s a privilege to partner with these pastors, their families and their churches to equip leaders, reach people, and plant new churches.
Eurasian Church Planting & Disciple-Making
Our partner family in Eurasia is doing incredible work raising up the next generation of church planters in challenging environments.
We’re glad to share much more about these partners in person and throughout the year.